I like challenges, mostly ones that involve running or biking long distances.
The kind of distance that makes people say, "I don't even like to drive my car that far!" (yeah, like I haven't heard that one before....ha ha)
What I am really itching to do is a 100 miler (and when I say "really itching", I mean dying to do one), but Wade has gotten some new responsibilities at work that make me feel conflicted about committing to something that would require that many hours of training. (plus, I have this secret goal of having 10 whole toenails, all at the same time, that aren't purple. It's the little things....)
Ok, a short, (I PROMISE) quick, tiny aside....... sometimes it's hard to balance life stuff, have you noticed? Sometimes there are things I know I could "fit" into my life, (like training for a 100 miler) but I want to make sure that I am not going to neglect the most important things- the things that are already there. Like my husband, and supporting his career. And my kids, and my home. (I am going to do one though. But when I do, I'll know it's the right time and feel great about it!)
So I decided last month that, instead, I would attempt to qualify for the Boston Marathon. For those of you who haven't heard of this race, the Boston Marathon is one that you have to first run another marathon under a certain time to "qualify" to sign up for and complete the race in Boston. So there's a list of other marathons that are "Boston Qualifiers" where you can run the 26.2 mile distance in the prescribed time, then sign up for Boston. My time to qualify is (or, rather, was) 3:45. Now, granted, that's not super fast for a marathon, but I am NOT a fast runner. My strength tends to be more in endurance, and that's why I gravitate more toward ultra marathons and trail running. Boston, however, would be a different kind of training than what I'm used to, and it would really be a serious challenge for me.

(that's not MY hand, by the way....come on, even my hand doesn't look that wrinkled!!)
.....then, less than a month after I decide to shoot for it, the Boston Athletic Association decides that they are going to lower all of the qualifying times by 5 minutes!!!! What??!! So now my time is 3:40. Yikes. Thanks A LOT!
Luckily, I have a good friend who is a SUPER fast runner, who knows what I need to do to train for and run my best race. (and also, he is really fun to run with, because he knows like a million Seinfeld quotes.....) So I guess soon I'm going to be diving more seriously into tempo runs, interval training, hill repeats, and the like. It should be fun. (I realize that things that seem fun to one person may not seem fun to another person. Sky diving for example, sounds AWFUL to me. So does riding a motorcycle.)
I am pretty nervous about this goal, because running fast is different then just running to finish. I could give it my all and fall short. (man, I REALLY hope that doesn't happen!!!) But I guess I won't know unless I try!!
Do you have any goals like that? Stuff that you want to do but are kind of afraid to try?? Do tell.....
So, yesterday I did my first weight lifting workout. Oh. My. Gosh. I am out of shape. I was bench pressing the bar, just the bar for heaven's sake, and I was shaking like a leaf by the 3rd set. Of course, there's all the buff dudes there so I try to act like it's no big deal, and I meant to miss the little holder thing when I was putting the barbell back and dropped half of it. Sheesh. Oh, and by the way, if you go to a different gym then the one you're used to, you should PROBABLY check the signs on the locker rooms, because even though the Women's locker room is the first one down the hall at your usual gym, it MIGHT be the SECOND one down the hall at your new gym. I'm just sayin'....(this is actually like the 4th time I've worked out there, but I was tired this morning and not paying attention....)
....I really shouldn't be allowed at the gym. I have a history of this type of dorky, ridiculous behavior. Like the time I flew off the treadmill. Or the time I fell off the Spin Class bicycle, but had my foot stuck in the pedal. Or the multiple times I have tried to do flip turns in the pool. Whatever, I am a runner, people! I can't be expected to also be graceful and aware of what locker room is where!! Ha ha!
So here's my weight routine-
I also did a few miles on the treadmill to warm up beforehand. I can't believe how hard it was to do some of the exercises! I'm planning on doing this workout 3 times per week for the month of March and then seeing if I like the results. Considering I can only do one push up, and zero pull ups, I have nowhere to go but up!! :)
Have a great day!! (and don't go flying off any treadmills.......)
Dinner Tonight:
~Baked Potato Soup(I don't do the bacon, and use 2% milk and light sour cream) (the boys eat Bacos on theirs. Ugh!! Bacos are so gross!!)
~Orange Slices
So, yesterday I did my first weight lifting workout. Oh. My. Gosh. I am out of shape. I was bench pressing the bar, just the bar for heaven's sake, and I was shaking like a leaf by the 3rd set. Of course, there's all the buff dudes there so I try to act like it's no big deal, and I meant to miss the little holder thing when I was putting the barbell back and dropped half of it. Sheesh. Oh, and by the way, if you go to a different gym then the one you're used to, you should PROBABLY check the signs on the locker rooms, because even though the Women's locker room is the first one down the hall at your usual gym, it MIGHT be the SECOND one down the hall at your new gym. I'm just sayin'....(this is actually like the 4th time I've worked out there, but I was tired this morning and not paying attention....)
....I really shouldn't be allowed at the gym. I have a history of this type of dorky, ridiculous behavior. Like the time I flew off the treadmill. Or the time I fell off the Spin Class bicycle, but had my foot stuck in the pedal. Or the multiple times I have tried to do flip turns in the pool. Whatever, I am a runner, people! I can't be expected to also be graceful and aware of what locker room is where!! Ha ha!
So here's my weight routine-
- Crunches- 3 sets of 15-40 reps
- Bench Press- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Dumbbell Bent Over Row- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Wide- Grip Lat Pulldown- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Triceps Pushdown (rope or v-bar)- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Dumbbell Bicep Curl- 3 sets of 8-12 reps
- Barbell Sqat- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Leg Extensions- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Lying Leg Curls- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Dumbbell Lunges- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Standing Calf Raises- 3 sets of 12-15 reps
I also did a few miles on the treadmill to warm up beforehand. I can't believe how hard it was to do some of the exercises! I'm planning on doing this workout 3 times per week for the month of March and then seeing if I like the results. Considering I can only do one push up, and zero pull ups, I have nowhere to go but up!! :)
Have a great day!! (and don't go flying off any treadmills.......)
Dinner Tonight:
~Baked Potato Soup(I don't do the bacon, and use 2% milk and light sour cream) (the boys eat Bacos on theirs. Ugh!! Bacos are so gross!!)
~Orange Slices
Okay, this is probably a silly question...but how does the weight training help you get faster? I thought it was all about the speed workouts, but sense that I'm missing something! Oh, and I also cannot do even one pull-up!
ReplyDeleteNo, no not a silly question!! I am weight training for two reasons, first, to strengthen my glutes and hamstrings (and any other leg muscles that need to be stronger) so that I can prevent injury. Second, I wouldn't mind looking a little more toned..... hahahaha! I used to lift weights a lot and really liked what that did for my body. My upper body really needs help- I have little to no upper body strength. When I trained for IM, that was the strongest I had been in a long time, since I was swimming soooo much!
ReplyDeleteI just hope I can make the cutoff!! Yum! I love baked potato soup! :) love your food challenge!
ReplyDeleteMake sure to up your protein intake and try not to go past three hours between meals and or snacks. Proper diet and meal spacing is really important when doing these types of workouts.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tips Russ!! I think you're right! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Shari! I love you, cousin! Good luck!