"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philipians 3:13b,14

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Make Your Own Febreze Fabric Freshener Spray!

So, as usual, we're still on the budget bandwagon. While there are some "extras" that I still spend money to buy, others have to go by the wayside. Coffee stays. As does coffee creamer. Wade's non-negotiable is Oreos (Which are gross and not even good. Homemade cookies are good. Oreos are just blah.)

Febreze is one of those things. I like to use it when I'm making the bed in the morning, and on the towels when I'm tidying the restroom. (And also, maybe, on my running clothes when they get smelly..hypothetically......)

A slight digression- sometimes sticking to your budget is more about contentment than it is about dollars and cents, you know? I mean, of course it is literally minding your dollars and cents, but I find I can do that more easily with the right attitude. I am often amazed by how much I HAVE, when I bother to look. Most of all, I have lots of resources. The ability to cook. A family who readily accepts circumstances, even if they are different than usual. Time (Not having to work outside of the home). And, usually, energy. If I focus on those things, and making the most of what I have at my disposal, I can usually do better than just "make do". I can thrive.

Ok, back to the Febreze- this is really simple. And cool, because you can make your favorite fabric softener the scent of the Febreze!

Homemade Febreze
Adapted From Fake It Frugal

1 1/2 Tbs. Baking Soda
1 1/2 Tbs. fabric softener 
Empty Febreze spray bottle

I just used a paper funnel and put the baking soda and Downy into the bottle, filled the rest up with warm water and gave it a shake!! I works WONDERFULLY!! It smells so nice, like a load of freshly-washed laundry!

So if your house smells like this:

But you want it to smell like this:

Use this stuff!!

(That may be a tiny, itty-bitty, slight exaggeration.) (But it does smell super fresh.)


  1. shari - i tell karen often how i think you are such a wise woman! i only kinda know you and yet you have encouraged me to be a better wife, think about how blessed i am, and start working on ways to eat yummy yet healthy! so thanks for sharing this blog with so many you have no idea the lives you are touching!
    jennie fischer

    1. Jennie, that is SO encouraging!! Thank you so much for taking the time to post- I often have insecurities and doubts about the things I write, and it is unbelievably helpful when I get an uplifting comment like yours! Thank you friend!!
