Have you ever experienced that?
It's no secret that Wade doesn't share all of my passions.
....running for instance.
He is NOT a fan.
However, he does do some running. Even though he hates it. About a month ago, I asked him to do a race with me.
We have NEVER done a race together.
....he said no. At first. But I can be pretty convincing.
Ok, truth be known, he liked the shirt. Anyhow, we signed up to do our first race together- a 5k!
The trash talking was free-flowing last week. This week we've both reverted to the, "oh, I'm not feeling it, we may not go very fast...blah blah blah...." Wade went so far as to say he was going to walk the race. If he does that, I will loudly mock him until he starts running. (That reminds me of my first triathlon. There was this woman on the sidelines, "cheering" (and I use that term loosely) and if she saw someone walking, she would jeer, "this isn't a WALK-a-thon, it's a RUN-a-thon." Never mind the fact that is was a TRIATHLON. Later we all discussed how we had seen her and thought it was funny, and one of our buddies admitted he got razzed by her, being unfortunate enough to have been caught walking in front of the lady....) I don't think Wade will do that,walk I mean, he's trying to psych me out.
Anyhow, I am looking forward to it. It will be fun- sharing something I really, truly love with the person I love the most in the world!!
I'll let you know later if he walks.
...he won't though.
Maybe I will. ;)
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