Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baking Day- Recipes and Photos....

Yesterday was baking day.

I really enjoy cooking/baking/preparing food for the week so that I don't have to work as hard the rest of the week! Plus, I tend to eat well if I have ready to eat options that are good for me. (Red Vines don't qualify...sadly...)

So yesterday almost went South. Wade turned the gas off "for 10 minutes" for something he was working on. Two hours later I put a pot of jam on the stove and turned it on. Nothing. Felt the oven I had thought I was preheating. Cold.

I wasn't happy. (Feel free to draw conclusions from that understatement)

So I had things ready to go into the oven, and jam ready to cook, and no gas. <Insert Slingblade line.. "ain't got no gas mmmmmm..">

A few hours (and several deep breaths) later, I was able to cook.

If everything went as planned, it would be so boring..... right??! (Just say "yes".)

Here's what I made!

Apricot Jam- will post the recipe later this week!

Chocolate Brownie Larabars- if you haven't tried making a batch of these yet, you REALLY need to! They are so good, and really easy!! Here's the recipe: Chocolate Brownie Larabars

Quinoa and Black Beans- above are the containers that are packed up and ready to go for lunches- below is the heated up ready-to-eat version! I will post this recipe later this week- it's GOOD!

Pre-made some calzone-  I LOVE spinach calzone, but made pepperoni this time to appease the boys! So they are individually frozen and ready to bake!

Pumpkin Seed, Cashew, and Almond Butter Energy Bars- the batch I made last week was already gone!! So I had to make another! Here's that recipe: Pumpkin Seed, Cashew, and Almond Butter Energy Bars

Blueberry Muffins (Oh. My. Gosh. These ROCK!!) Here's the recipe: Blueberry Muffins

Two loaves of Amish White Bread. Because really, what goes better with homemade jam??? This post has a link to the recipe: Amish White Bread

So there you have it!! I am considering having bread and jam for dessert. I ate some of the jam already- a heaping spoon full. It is DELISH!!

Keep an eye out for the rest of the recipes- I will be posting them soon!!

Happy baking!


  1. Wow!!! All that, even after being delayed for several hours???

    You're a machine!!! I feel virtuous if I bake and cook dinner the same day!

    Good on you!!!

  2. Yum! The quinoa recipe looks wonderful, and I think I would like to have some of those energy bars around for a snack instead of processed foods. Great blog!

  3. Do I dare confess that we had a take out pizza for dinner after all that baking..... ;)

  4. Julie you should try the bars!!!!! They are good! :)
