Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crock Pot Roasted Chicken and Potatoes

The cooler weather has come to town.

Flannel sheets.

Jeans and sweaters.

Gloves and a beanie for running.

......and crock pot meals!!

This roasted chicken is SUPER easy, and tastes SO good!! Plus, when whole roasting chickens are on sale, you can generally get several and freeze them, so that you have some on hand! This is a VERY inexpensive meal that tastes awesome!

Spray the inside of your crock pot with Pam. Then add some peeled, cubed potatoes and carrots. For our family, I used 4 potatoes and 3 carrots. Other things I have added when I have them on hand are; a quartered onion, whole garlic cloves, or whole shallots.

Then drizzle the potatoes and carrots with some olive oil. Note the classy rubber band closure holding my watch band together. I am too cheap to fork over the $$ for a new band. And yet I'll pay $80 to run a race. 

I have problems.

Season the potatoes and  carrots well. I like Lawry's salt, Mrs. Dash (the Trader Joe's version is called 21 seasoning salute) and garlic. If I put pepper, inevitably Nicholas gets a large chunk, declares the meal "too spicy" and doesn't want to finish his portion. So I omitted it in the interest of peace.

Here's the chicken. I have no idea why you would want a "young chicken". And I also have NO idea why ANYONE would need to know that "pars of giblets may be missing"!!! GIBLETS ARE NASTY! It is so gross that they have those things in the chicken! It is hard enough for me to touch raw meat without having to deal with internal organs on top of it! (Part of which may be missing by the way, according to the package. In case you were wondering where the kidney went.)


So dump the guts out <GAG>, rinse the chicken out with water, pat dry, and plop on top of the potatoes. Then drizzle with olive oil and season. I used Lawry's salt, Mrs. Dash, and rosemary sprigs. Then I added one quartered lemon, because I bought a huge bag of lemons earlier in the week. 

Cook on high for 6-8 hours. Your house will smell amazing. 

The leftovers, if you have any, are a great addition to soup, salads, or casseroles! 

Here are a few more crock pot recipes!!


  1. Hey. Did you know you're nominated for Best Recipe/cooking Homeschool Blog? I saw your name on the list and so I voted for ya. :-)

  2. I am stopping over from the Homeschool Blog Awards - saw your nominations and wanted to check out some new blogs =-) This looks delicious!! If you have an Christmas baking coming up I'd love for you to link it up to my Holiday Baking Linky - http://livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com/2011/11/holiday-traditions-3christmas-cookies.html - I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to!
