Monday, April 11, 2011

Once a Week Spring Cleaning- Week #2!

So.... this week we're going to tackle a cold, sometimes smelly task.

The fridge.

Mine was not too bad this week, but I have been known to grow science experiments in there, and also to have enough junk to host a yard sale on the top!!

Here's what my "before" shots looked like:

The top- I have no idea what I was saving that egg carton for....

And that cereal belongs to my friend, Karen. Karen..... we ate some of your cereal. You cannot leave food at my house. It's not safe.

The inside- there was a funny smell this morning, which turned out to be some ooooold cilantro that had gone terribly wrong....

The door- I have waaaay too many coffee creamers. I know I have a problem.

So, start by taking everything (EVERYTHING) off the top. Then, follow the put away, throw away, give away method from this post: Spring Cleaning Week #1

Then, wipe the top of the fridge. Mine had some kind of crazy black dust on in.

Clean out the drawers, and then take them out and wipe them if need be. You could put a paper towel on the bottom of each which comes in handy if any veggies get all nasty and leaky. Sorry, that's gross. But it can happen. I've heard.

Next, take all the stuff off the shelves, and wipe those off too. I keep the trash can handy so I can toss items that have gone bad.

Then, put everything back! Doesn't that feel good? Now you can see what you have! :)

Then, force your children to wash out the nasty, moldy leftovers. (OK, I didn't really do that. But it's a thought...) I had some pretty bad stuff going on. One of these containers got thrown away, because I couldn't face what was inside.

That's the beauty of buying the Ziploc containers. You can make the decision that the 50 cents that you're throwing away is worth it.

Now, you can fill your fridge with all sorts of yummy food. Like cake. Or coke. (Oh, man how I wish Coke was good for me. I love it.)

The sunsets have been gorgeous here lately! I caught a good shot last week:

Happy Cleaning!! Just put on some rubber gloves and go for it!


Chipotle Sloppy Joes (recipe will be up later this week)


  1. M. Night Shyamalan has asked to film his next movie inside my refrigerator.

  2. What??! That cad. He said he "couldn't work with what I had to offer"!!! ;)
