Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Iced Tea Obsession, Tucson Training, and Goals....

I know I've talked a bunch about training for Tucson. That's because it is REALLY important to me, and because I am working so hard at it! Sometimes I get this glimpse of myself, a housewife in my 30's, out on the track doing speed training, and think, "Shari, what are you doing?!"

But you know what?? I LOVE having goals. And, to be brutally honest, I LOVE having goals that are about me. I thoroughly enjoy serving my family. I am totally blessed to home-school my boys. I am happy to take care of Wade and support his career. All of those things are my life. Every day. So is training, racing, setting goals, and working hard to achieve them. That's part of my life too. A good part. I used to be somewhat timid and embarrassed about that. I guess, if I'm honest, I still am- sometimes. I don't want people to think I'm not a good wife, or a good mom, because I have something for myself. To tell the truth, I think having that little piece of my day set aside for running...... it helps me to be a good wife and a good mom.

Enough on that. Sheesh, I can go on, can't I?!

One thing I've done, in conjunction with my training, is to really clean up my diet.

I love candy. I love Coke. I do. I like McDonald's. I like cheesecake and creme brulee. Ok, ok, you get the idea.......... That is never going to change. I am still having those things, just not very often. I still have baked goods, but generally I limit the amount and save it for a treat. (IN GENERAL. I still have my days.)

In the effort to make my drink life more interesting (so I have a drink life, do I??!), I started experimenting with iced tea. Herbal tea mostly, but also some other, decaf tea. I currently have two favorites!

I make my iced tea by putting a gallon of cold water and 8 tea bags into a pot. Bring the water to almost boiling, then shut the heat off and let it steep for 10 or 15 minutes. Take the tea bags out and pour the tea into a pitcher.

How cute is my cup?? I love that thing! I use a few Splenda packets in my tea. (Please do not bother to email me about the evils of Splenda. I will be ok, I promise.) ;)

One of my favorites is this Good Earth Green Tea (The decaf Lemongrass flavor). I use 8 bags for a gallon of water.

My other favorite is a combo of two kinds of tea. I use 4 bags of the Tazo Passion tea, and 4 bags of the Celestial Seasonings Country Peach Passion tea. Oh, this one is gooooooood. Again, for a gallon of water.

Drink tea. Find your passion. Do all the things you are supposed to do, then make time for something you want to do. It's fun. It's good for you. Really.


  1. You sound so much like me! I could have written that post...the running, the eating, the homeschooling. Thanks, a good reminder to read this morning.

  2. Erin.... so glad I'm not the only one! :)
