Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie

There are two kinds of people- those who like peanut butter and banana together, and those who don't.

....sort of like black licorice. There aren't generally people who feel neutral about black licorice. Either you like it or you don't.

I like peanut butter and banana together, hence the smoothie. When I am really watching what I eat, I crave peanut butter like crazy  (I have no idea why, but I have always found this to be true). Of course, I also crave Coke and Red Vines.... but that is another issue.

By the way, have you missed my incessant daily blog posts? I was on a GREAT trip to Zion National Park.... hence the absence from the blog. It was an amazing time- Zion is a wonderful place to take a family camping trip!! It is beautiful and there are a TON of fun activities there!! Here's a link to the park page on the National Parks Website if you are interested in planning a trip there:

Here's a couple photos of the park- gorgeous!!

Anyhow, back to the smoothie!! First, take a cup of almond milk (I like the vanilla unsweetened, because it only has 40 calories in an entire cup!!)

One frozen banana (I slice and bag bananas when they're getting old and freeze them so I always have some on hand for smoothies)

1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (I like the Pure Protein from Target)

And 1 Tb of peanut butter

Blend it up in a Magic Bullet or blender until smooth. If the blender gets "stuck" because the smoothie is too thick, just add a little more milk.

MMmmmmmm..... creamy and yummy. I find this smoothie to be quite filling, so I'll often have one for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack when I'm truly HUNGRY. (Yes, sometimes I eat when I'm not truly hungry)


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