Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Crock Pot Tri Tip with Feta and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

I love this recipe!

It is SO easy, seems a little "fancy", and if you buy the Tri Tip when it's on sale, this recipe isn't very expensive to make!!

Here's what you need:
  • 1 Tri- Tip roast (I buy mine when they go on sale) they are usually 2 or 3 lbs
  • 1 container crumbled feta cheese (about 1- 1 1/2 cups feta)
  • 1 jar oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, drained
  • 1/3 cup white wine

I throw the meat into the crock pot still frozen solid. I like how this recipe turns out much better that way. It takes the meat longer to cook and it doesn't get all shredded and boiled like meat does sometimes in the crock pot. Then put the cheese and tomatoes on top of the roast:

For the white wine, I used Charles Shaw, which comes from Trader Joe's and is affectionately known as "Two Buck Chuck" since it's only $2 a bottle!!

I just guesstimate 1/3 cup and pour it right over the other stuff. Then put the crock pot on low for 7 hours, and go do something fun! Like yard work. (OH wait.....that's not that fun......)

I like to slice the tri tip and serve it with mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus....mmmmm.... the sauce in the bottom of the crock pot is SO good........ I spoon some of that on the potatoes!

I have served this as a nice birthday dinner for family, and it is also a nice dinner to come home to if you've got a busy day planned! If you use frozen asparagus and the potatoes from the box, this whole meal comes together really easily and quickly!

I got this recipe from LOVE her stuff!


  1. We love tri-tip around here and this looks delicious.

  2. Howdy! I also have a tri tip pot roast recipe but I didn't have a decent picture to post. I used your photo on my recipe blog and credited you. Please take a look and let me know if there are any changes I can make or if you are not comfortable with me posting your photo on my website. I will of course, remove it immediately if necessary. Thanks!
