Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baking Day Report

Are you sick of seeing photos of food yet??

If you answered "yes", too bad for you.........

Hee hee.

Here's what baking day produced at my house this week:

Homemade doughnuts (or donuts, which one IS it??)  These were gooooooood. I want to play around with this recipe a little more, then I'll blog it. I even made a few with sprinkles (gross) for Nicholas, and jelly-filled (gag) for Wade:

Chocolate Chip brownies:

No complicated from-scratch recipe, just a box mix (the 13x9 size, I stock up when they're on sale) and I add a half bag of chocolate chips.

Then I made these babies:

They are DELICIOUS. I added 1 roughly mashed banana, and about 1/2 cup diced, ripe strawberries. You should make a batch of these if you have all the stuff. They rock.

Then I made two loaves of
Which I had to sample. I don't want to feed my family food that doesn't pass a thorough inspection!

The things I do for the good of my family. I tell you, they are some lucky, lucky people.

Lastly, I made a batch of (a new household favorite)
These things are AWESOME! They hold a ton of filling without ripping, and taste wonderful. I made three batches last week and they were all gone! I need to just start doubling the recipe, because the boys wiped out half of today's batch already. Sheesh.

I tried to make some Meyer lemon curd, which was an epic FAIL! It looked (and smelled) burned, curdled, and separated. Gross. I may try again if I feel daring...... I found a different recipe. We'll see. Is lemon curd even good? Is it worth the effort of a second try? It looked really yummy in the photo, but I don't think I've even had it.

We also got back into the school routine, having been off for Spring break. While I like Spring break, all it really does is make me wish for summer. The long days, the BEACH, the smell of sunscreen, and eating dinner in the backyard....... I love the summer. :)

BLT sandwiches made with turkey bacon on Amish bread
Tangerines and Strawberries

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